Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


Health & Safety Policy

To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill Health and provide adequate control of health and Safety risks arising from work activities. To provide adequate training to ensure employees are competent to do their work. To engage and consult with employees on day-to-day health and safety conditions.
Health and safety maintenance at work
  • Ensure that our environment and workplace are healthy and safe;
  • Carry out an assessment of the risks to our health and safety at work and put measures in place to reduce the chances of an injury or illness happening to our employees;
  • Communicate all issues through risk assessment form and assignment instructions;
  • Ensure that a supply of drinking water and toilets are accessible to our employees;
  • Provide with personal protective equipment, free of charge, if the health and safety risks of our job cannot be controlled adequately by any other means;
  • Provide the employees with information and instruction about health and safety hazards that you may be exposed to;
  • Train our employees how to carry out your job safely including training in what to do when faced with violence or aggression;
  • Consultations and safety representatives about health and safety at work
Health and safety of our guards at work
  Security workers are often at daily risk of threats, abuse and assault. Many security workers mistakenly see violence as ‘part of the job’ rather than a crime and are therefore less likely to report it than other workers.
  • Security staff are entitled to adequate welfare facilities including;
  • Accessible toilets, washing facilities and drinking water;
  • A warm comfortable rest room (if a suitable office is not available);
  • Facilities for making hot drinks and warming food, if they cannot leave the premises.
  • Comfortable seating arrangements to avoid prolonged standing hours for the guards that may cause health hazards
  • Any incident/accident on the site to be reported to the 24 hours control room in no time and calling up the emergency number 112 at any point.
  • Due to failure of supply of water, electricity, gas supply and of sewerage system which according to our contract is the responsibility of our clients, provision of standby facilities on site is strictly under taken as a part of our health and safety procedures.
Health and Safety Training
  Health and Safety training should be provided for all security staff and should include topics such as:   
  • Dealing appropriately with incidents of aggression and violence, and the procedure for reporting such incidents
  • Prohibit Vandalism, unauthorized entry and tampering or malicious damage to property, plant and equipment by secure gate and perimeter fence. Site locked when unmanned, tanks and valves locked when not in use out of hours. Plant and equipment locked in secure storage out of hours
  • Emergency and fire procedures:
  • Fire procedure describing what to do in the event of a fire, including details about fire alarms, exit routes and muster points responsible personnel such as a fire warden
  • The location and use of emergency fire equipment such as extinguishers, hoses, sand bags and drain covers.
  • First aid training:
  • Making sure the basic first aid training knowledge is conceived and implemented by guards on site
  • Awareness of the place of first aid kit on site usually in kitchen area within the office, and on site location for it determined through site risk assessment.
  • Replenishing of First aid kit monthly by the supervisor.
TO NOTE:  These health and safety duties are a part of the management structure which is headed by the managing director and sub headed by the operation manager. These duties are an integral part of the management processes and are undertaken by the most experienced managerial level executives.